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National Landlord Association survey reports improved interaction for Buy To Let Landlords

Posted on: August 12th, 2011 by No Comments
The results of a recently conducted survey by the National Landlord Association point strongly to a much improved relationship between tenants and their buy to let landlords. In the survey, as many as 61% of Landlords reflected their positivity as ‘very good’ when dealing with tenants and a further 34% were happy to accept that their interaction was ‘good’. Only 3% polled that their dealing with tenants was ‘adequate’ and barely visible 1% termed it as ‘poor’. The results also revealed that as many as 36% had contact with their renters a minimum of once a month, and around four of ten have contact as and when required or needed.

Buy To Let Landlords are currently experiencing a dramatic increase in rental demand and experts forecast that one in five properties will be privately rented by the end of 2015. The latest figures presented by local government highlight that there has been an increase from just over two million in 2004 to a current figure of 3.35 million, a significant increase of 55%.

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